Commonly used low-voltage distribution cabinets are mainly divided into GGD type low-voltage fixed switchgear and GCK , GCS , and MNS low-voltage withdrawable switchgear. The main functions and installation methods of these two types of low-voltage switchgear are basically the same.
The main differences between fixed and drawer type low-voltage switchgear are:
fixed low-voltage switchgear is fixed on the bracket in the low-voltage switchgear, and the measuring instruments are fixed on the instrument panel of the switchgear, so the layout of electrical equipment is random and flexible; An isolation switch needs to be installed on the power supply side. During maintenance and repair, it is necessary to disconnect the isolation switch and open the cabinet door, which has poor safety protection and a small number of output circuits; The maximum rated current of the main busbar is small and the cost is relatively cheap.
The low-voltage electrical equipment and measuring instruments of different circuits in the withdrawable low-voltage switchgear are installed in different drawers. The size of each drawer is combined according to a certain modulus. Each distribution circuit can be independently repaired and maintained with good safety protection. There are many distribution circuits. The maximum rated current of the main bus bar is large and the cost is expensive.
At the same time, the circuit breakers inside the fixed low-voltage switchgear are equipped with isolation switches, while the withdrawable low-voltage switchgear is not equipped with isolation switches; The main reason is that the circuit breakers inside the fixed low-voltage switchgear are fixed and installed. During power outage maintenance, maintenance, and testing, even if the circuit breaker is disconnected, due to the general lack of isolation function of the circuit breaker, and the circuit breaker cannot be moved or pulled out, there is no obvious disconnection point, which may cause false closing and may lead to electric shock accidents.
Therefore, an isolation switch must be installed before the circuit breaker. In this way, during power outage maintenance, and testing, the circuit breaker should be disconnected first, and then the isolation switch should be opened to ensure safety. Due to the use of a withdrawable structure, the withdrawable switchgear can first disconnect the circuit breaker and then pull out the circuit drawer where the circuit breaker is located during inspection, maintenance, and testing to form a visible breakpoint, ensuring the safety of inspection, maintenance, and testing without the need for an isolation switch.
PowerTel’s expert engineers have capabilities to provide you with a full range of low voltage fixed or drawable switchgear, which can meet the application needs of customers in different industries.
Please contact us at for your tailored electrical switchgear.